Thursday, December 17, 2009


A success story for one person will differ greatly from a success story of another individual. One person may value a career over relationships. A success story regarding a professional achievement will mean more to them that someone who has a successful family life. This, of course may change over time. As we go through life, success and our goals change, depending on circumstances and personal growth.

Success and Setting Goals

Most people want to be successful in life and to be considered a success by others. You need to know how you define success. Only once you have completed this exercise, can you then set goals that will result in your success, and identify those critical success factors that you can relate to.
All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific. Lily Tomlin
If you do not know what your goals are, how will you know when you have achieved them? Success is about moving towards what you deem to be important in your life.
Dont compare yourself to anyone else it detracts you from your own goals. What someone else is striving towards may not be what your ultimate goal is.
Once the goals are set, then the hard work begins in order to reach those goals. Richard Branson started his entrepreneurial career from a houseboat. It was through vision, determination, knowing what he wanted to achieve and continually striving towards these dreams, that he reached them.
Success comes in all different shapes and sizes with one common denominator - success is important and it takes work to reach.

Success and Money

Success does not always have to involve money. There are millions of people in the world who may not have money, but they are happy and hence successful in themselves.
Money alone cannot measure success. Does the person who has money feel fulfilled and at peace with themselves? The answer to this question will determine whether or not success has been attained.

The Success Factors

Regardless of what your specific success is, there are ways to surpass your goal. We have put together success factors that can guide you towards success.
There is no better gratification than being successful. Accept that you are in for some hard work but the results will be incredible. Use the success tips on this website as guidelines and step outside the box.

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